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The journal has three annual awards:


Dudley Knight Award for Outstanding Vocal Scholarship

This award is named in memory of Dudley Knight, a former VSR Editor and Distinguished VASTA member. The award is open to peer reviewed research articles. Winners receive a complimentary 1-year VASTA membership.

Previous winners:

Rocco Dal Vera Graduate Research Award

This award is named in memory of Rocco Dal Vera, the founding VSR Editor and Distinguished VASTA member. This award is open to articles that were based on graduate research. Winners receive a complimentary 1-year VASTA membership. 

Previous winners:

VSR Forum Article of the Year Award

This award is open to authors in the Forum section of the journal, who offer relevant academic conversations and experienced-based or opinion-based articles. Winners receive a complimentary 1-year VASTA membership. 

Previous winners:

Award Details

The Editor nominates three to four articles every year for each category. Members of the entire VSR Editorial Board vote for the winners. The Editor decides any tie. The awards are announced online on or around May 1st of each year.