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Dory Sibley
Conference Director

Echo Sibley
Co-Assistant Director

Nicole Cowan
Co-Assistant Director

The purpose of the Conference Planning Team is to plan, coordinate, and direct VASTA's annual conference.

In 2022, VASTA will have its first in person conference in two years. Converging Pathways will be held in-person at Sonoma State University, California, and virtually to allow VASTA members everywhere to attend. 

VASTA practitioners have unlocked a wealth of invaluable approaches to teaching and communicating within our individual practices. We have learned how to connect and collaborate in new ways. The varying pathways through which we can communicate beyond our established sensibilities, expand the colours in the palette of life and in our practice and pedagogy. Through the convergence of our multicultural and interdisciplinary voices, bodies, communities, and narratives, we are launching ourselves into a brave new arena, “ripe” with inspiration and collective wisdom. Converging Pathways is the time to collect our knowledge and study new intersections between voice, speech, culture, storytelling, technology, and artistry.

See the full 2022 Conference team here. 

Board Liaison: Marie Downing