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Call for Papers

Call for Papers: General Articles

Voice and Speech Review continually solicits articles and essays that focus on voice and speech topics and training, particularly for the performing arts. The VSR welcomes peer reviewed articles from a broad array of voice-oriented subjects. The journal also welcome scholarly essays and interviews based on personal experience that are often practical notes from the field, as well as book and other resource reviews.

Upcoming Deadlines for Drafts

October 15, 2024:  

Articles are processed in the order they are received, so early submissions are encouraged. Submission does not guarantee publication. Publication timelines can vary.

Articles are welcomed from Voice practitioners, theorists, scholars, artists, artist-researchers, and educators. Scholarly essays will be peer-reviewed before publication. Practice-based essays highlighting embodied and experiential knowledge are also welcomed and encouraged for publication in the journal.


Submissions for general articles should be submitted through Routledge's Editorial Manager website. Click HERE.  and inquiries should be sent to the VSR Editor, Miranda Guettlein ( 

Queries regarding resource and book reviews should be send to the VSR Reviews Editor, Karen Kopryanski  ( 

Contributors need not be members of VASTA to publish. The VSR prides itself on encouraging and supporting new and veteran scholars alike. Authors will neither be paid nor have to pay for publication.