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VASTA offers nearly $15,000 through eleven grants and awards every year to support its membership and other voice and speech career professionals. These funds provide valuable direct payments and reimbursements for attendance for VASTA's Annual Conference and broader professional development activities. 

Annual Conference Funding Opportunities:

Clyde Vinson Memorial Scholarship
Designed for pre- or early career voice or speech trainers. Provides VASTA conference fee, travel reimbursement, annual membership and a cash award.
Applications due March 31st, 2024.

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Conference Travel Scholarship
Designed for members of an underrepresented group who have not attended a VASTA conference more than once and have a financial need to attend.
Provides one early career trainer and one graduate student a waived conference fee, travel reimbursement to the conference, and a free annual membership. 
Applicants need not be current VASTA members.
Applications due April 8th, 2024. 

Annual VASTA Conference Travel Awards
Designed for current VASTA members who demonstrate a financial need to travel to the conference and do not live in the direct region where the conference is being held.
Provides reimbursement for event related expenses including materials, location rentals, presenter fees, and presenter travel.
Applications due March & April 2024.

Funding for Member Professional Development


Member Enrichment Grants
Designed for VASTA members of at least two consecutive years who want to hold networking events or regional mini-conferences.
Provides reimbursement of expenses related to these activities, including materials, location rentals, presenter fees, and presenter travel.
Applications received on a rolling basis.

Dorothy Mennen Research & Development Grant
Designed for VASTA members of at least four years.
Provides grants to two members for research or professional development.
Applications due November 15th, 2024. 

Voice and Speech Review Awards:

Dudley Knight Award for Outstanding Vocal Scholarship
The award is open to peer reviewed research articles.

Rocco Dal Vera Graduate Research Award
This award is open to articles that were based on graduate research.

VSR Forum Article of the Year Award
This award is open to authors in the Forum section of the journal, who offer relevant academic conversations and experienced-based or opinion-based articles.

Questions? Email the 
Awards & Grants Committee.